triple nine: 09-09-09

sebelum aku mulakan keja
aku nak amik kesempatan utk..
post blog lah..what else?

that pic adalah hasil kerja aku tym boring
even i have report need to be done
but then i fell asleep that evening
and when i woke up
i dont have the mood to do my work
jadi..aku pun p lah edit2 gmbr

itu wajah saya..baru sahaja balik dr kuliah
*depan rumah sdh ni
aku kira mau amik ketika pergi
tapi that morning aku begitu in rush
its 845 am already whereas my class was started on 830
jd my fren and i pun jalan macam org d kejar hantu lah

semalam aku tido mcm org koma
sedar2 jg..tapi mcm otak aku blank..mau tidur saja
bila bgn, 430am..
beristighfar aku mengingatkan aku kena hantar report pagi tu
huhu..on the spot, aku ngadap laptop
dgn keadaan marah2
bad mood
buat keja
haha...hasilnya aku print kt library, cost me rm4.80 utk 16 helai
huh!! kesimpulannya, buatlah assignment anda sebelum due date
thats my bad habit yg suka buat last minutes
wpun aku ni klu buat keja mau yg terbaik
tp klu dah buat last minute..hasil pun last minutes la..

em..kuliah hari ni, teramat penat
otak kena stay focus for about 5 hours akan bilang aku mengada kot
tp thats true, he gave us lecture for that long
the slides were 51, but till that afternoon he just explained us 29 slides
by looking at the number, he surrendered and decide to continue next week
*hooray..i can go home
yes..i only have 1 class this day but took a long period
cause me exhaust to focus
here is, what have i done while listening to him
even though i sat on the first row..but i dont care

oh kuah kacang..
memang kuah kacang d cni mcm ni kah?
kenapa selama ni aku jmpa d tpt ku
pekat, coklat2, menarik, manis2..dan NYAMAN
kenapa yg ni
cawiiiir, PEDAS!!, mcm kena rebus jak...
kan selalunya smpai keluar minyak..
ni..rupa kuah kacang x ikhlas..
sedih aku~ ~ ~

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Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

canteq ko deng pakai selendang...

tity said... Best Blogger Tips ak tgk mcm org 'dewasa' jak..hilang 'baby face' ku..hahaha!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

bha... buat pilihan la syg...
mo comel ka, mo dewasa???
berat tuh pilihan...